Monday, July 26, 2010

When you went to a dermatologist to treat your acne, what did they say?

I'm thinking about going to my doctor about my back acne. When you went, what things did they say to you? Tell me everything!When you went to a dermatologist to treat your acne, what did they say?
I only had acne on my chin and cheeks. Never past my Jaw...but here's what they told me. . .

All five of them told me something different, but they all agreed on putting me on birth control.

Some insist that I'm allergic to Dairy, others say food plays no role in acne.

One put me on antibiotics (Doxycycline) for like 3 years, but another one took me off of them as soon as she found out.

I also received multiple injections into the deeper pimples to help get rid of them.

NONE of these dermatologists cured my acne though. Instead I went to a crazy skin specialist who believes that the hurricanes are man made by George bush...okay? That's what we're dealing with here.

Crazy as she was, she knew what she was doing. She stuck needle after needle into every pore on my face and squeezing with all her might. 3 sessions 3 1/2 hours long EACH of pain and suffering.

My doctors had a heart attack when they found out where I went but guess what? She got rid of my acne. She rid my face of every single pimple that I've ever had and because of the birth control, I've not had one since. I have some scarring, but nothing major.

I go for acid peels every 9 - 12 months (the 30% TCA peels) to keep my skin even and healthy. It also helps tame the scarring. These peels require about 6 - 10 days of downtime afterward (since it looks like your face is peeling off)

I'm allergic to Benzoil peroxide so Proactive and many other scrubs were out of the question.

So, that's what worked for me. It was a long, tough road but it's finally over.

I wouldn't recommend the squeezing though...even though it worked miracles for me. It was EXTREMELY painful and I' sure there are easier ways to get rid of your acne.

Everyone's different, but you'll find what's best for you!

Good luck!When you went to a dermatologist to treat your acne, what did they say?
Just use basic rubbing alcohol.

The doctor isn't going to give you anything except a prescription that is going to cost you alot of money and will do the samething.
Both my son and daughter have/had bad acne. She prescribed them Acutane... I'ts some rough stuff, not for everyone, but from what I hear, it's suposed to be a permenant fix.
they gave me some acne pills but i forgot what they were called...

i was allergic to them so i stopped using them...
go for ur bac acne trust me they have a milliondiff medicines that work for every1 trust me its worth it
they dont say anything mean if thats what ur wondering. xD

they just tell u stuff like ohh its normal for ur ageee bla bla bla

then they give u creams n perscriptions to treat it

no biggy =]
I'm gonna throw up....

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