Saturday, July 24, 2010

Going to the dermatologist in the morning?

I am 15 and am seeking help for my acne. I don't get severe acne like some people do but when I get it, the pimples are painful and they take a very long time to go away. Benzoyl peroxide works to dry them up but the scars stay there (for months) even if I don't pick at them at all. Would they be able to help me?Going to the dermatologist in the morning?
I've been going to the dermatologist for a while now and he gives me benzamycin and retin-A

but if you don't have the kind of acne with the infection,the puss stuff and are going to get rid of scars then acutane would work for that

so yes i'd say they would be able to help you.Going to the dermatologist in the morning?
the dermatologist will look at your skin and will probably give you an antibiotic to take and a cream to put on your skin. it is not immediate, but within 4 to 6 weeks, you will see a noticable difference.
Yes a dermatologist will be able to help you
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