Saturday, July 24, 2010

How can i convince my mom to take me to the dermatologist?

im 14.

she says i dont need to go

bc i only have a couple pimples.

but i hate them soo much.

help?How can i convince my mom to take me to the dermatologist?
Well a dermatologist is a lot of money so if she doesn't want to take you, I wouldn't worry that much. I use to have cystic acne all over my face for years, and my parents never took me. Eventually the school nurse told them to take me to my regular doctor to see what could be done, and that's what I suggest. If your acne isn't that bad anyway then I would encourage you to not waste the money. Just go see your regular doctor and see what he/she says first. She may in fact recommend a dermatologist, and then you win.How can i convince my mom to take me to the dermatologist?
just get clearasil and a moistureizer
u should tell her that they help clear acne and make u seem prettier when ur older. im 14 and they really helped and it is better to have no pimples then a couple.

If you only have a few pimples, a doctor probably won't be able to do much for you. I'm sure they have expensive treatments and creams, but you're better off trying one of the acne kits on the market. Maybe proactive or clean and clear. Pimples are very normal and can usually be helped with the right products. If it continues to get worse and it's more than a few I'd say go then. I'm sure you're mom realizes it will likely be a waste of money.

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