Blackheads are caused when sebum (the skin's natural oil) collects and hardens in the pores. The congesting toxins that are being expelled through your skin from the blood and lymph fluid combines with sebum creating a pasty glue. The exposed tip becomes oxidized and black, hence the name - blackheads . Oily and combination skins are most susceptible to these. The skin's most dense oil glands are located in T-zone. That is why there you get the most blackheads.
Effective Tips to get rid of blackheads
Exfoliate the blackhead prone area 3-4 times a week using facial exfoliators and scrubs. Here is a good SCRUB for you to help you to get rid of blackheads
Use creams containing AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Fruit acids) like glyco-creams that will clear away any dead skin cells and ';expose'; the blackhead. Use the AHA's every 3 days or so.
Keep your hair away from your face. Greasy hair and skin go together, and hair can spread infection.
Sunshine or ultra-violet light encourages skin peeling, and so helps to clear blocked pores. So sunbathing or use of sun-beds in moderation can be helpful.
Avoid washing the face with soaps more than twice a day. Instead wash your face often with plain water splashes.
Often use a mask with a clay base such as ZIRH's Clay Mask ____
(To squeeze or not to squeeze? )
If blackheads look ready to pop out, you could try removing them gently by using a blackhead extractor. This is a neat little instrument with a hole at one end, available from chemists. Pressure around the blackhead helps it to pop out through the hole. Also, Pore cleanser strips (blackhead extractor) for removal of blackheads. are highly recommended for the treatment/removal of blackheads. Using them once per week will leave your pores cleaner and smaller.
Otherwise use your fingers. Steam your face first to soften both the skin and the material blocking the pores. Then wrap the fingers in tissues and gently roll against either side of the blackhead. If it won't budge easily, leave well alone, as too much pressure will bruise and break the skin, making your face red and blotchy for days to come, and possibly leaving tiny broken veins. Finish by applying a medicated cream to the empty pore.
Only ever squeeze a spot with a definite head that looks about to burst - pressure on an unready infected spot spreads bacteria below the skin's surface, infecting the surrounding tissue. Bad spots need a doctor's advice, and he may suggest antibiotic or even hormone therapy.What is it that causes blackheads? I had a dermatologist tell me that it is not dirt but something in your?
Well you are what you eat. So remember that.
But if you don't clean your face or have oily skin you get clogged pores.
I'd also be careful about what products to use - the more pure and natural the better for your skin and pores.
A hydrating wash, toner and cream (acne cream)
before washing take a hot wash cloth and apply to face.
Drawing dirt to the surface.
Check It Out
blackheads occur when your pores are open and pollution gets into them..I know that if you take a cotton ball with witch hazel after you wash your face will make them much smaller and avoid this ..I have found that it is also great for puffiness and irritation,,It is like a great skin toner.
Something in your diet? Is your dermatologist on drugs? It is way more complicated than that... But I guess he / she has no time to explain everything...
Blackheads are not dirt. Pores are partially open so some sebum still drains to the surface... Now listen... When your skin's pigment reacts with oxygen it gets darker - as if you would be on the sun... Just this reaction is stronger but on little spots right around and inside the pores... These are blackheads...
They are solid constructions and go away very slowly, you can't wash it away...
Diet would help eventually, but not directly with blackheads. But eating better food would make your metabolism more balanced, eventually increasing your body's immune system and this is what helps with acne... And eventually blackheads...
This is quite complicated to explain simple :D heh
There are 2 good products that help with acne and blackheads, here are the links:鈥?/a>
Good Luck!
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