Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is the best way to whiten dark underarms, instead of going to dermatologist, is there any possible ways?

EXF0LiATE 2 GET RiD 0F DEAD SKiN CELL`SWhat is the best way to whiten dark underarms, instead of going to dermatologist, is there any possible ways?
use pervil magic cream or has a whitening agent that can brighten any dark area of the body. it takes 1 or 2 months for the result to show up....but the best thing about it is that it can also eleminate the sweat odor.What is the best way to whiten dark underarms, instead of going to dermatologist, is there any possible ways?
Apple-Lavender Deodorant

Make your own deodorant and avoid aluminum and other chemical additives.

1 part apple cider vinegar

1 part water

several drops of lavender oil for fragrance (optional)

spray bottle

Combine equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Add lavender oil for a pleasant scent, if desired. Spray underarms with mixture daily, or as often as needed.

The vinegar neutralizes body odor and is gentle to the skin. The vinegar smell evaporates within 10 minutes.

Look in the cosmetics section of stores for colorful plastic spray bottles.

there are several good lightening products in the drugstore,most have peroxide as the main ingredient.also,philosophy,nivea,%26amp; aveeno all work.the first one i mentioned works the best.

oops,forgot avon has a decent one,too.
from what i hear.. people use lemon juice mixed with sugar and scrub/exfoliate the dark areas.. im goin to try it out myself but i hear you see results in like a week or two if you do it everyday.. also, another idea was baking soda and scrub with that.. ??? maybe you can try skin lightening cream.. but read tha instructions...!!
Try St Ives apricot scrub with a massager.It will exfoliate and soften the dark skin.Make sure to use a good body cream after exfoliation.Aloe vera gel help sooth skin after a good exfoliation as well.

Do this once or twice a week and you will see good results....

All the best.....
Hydroquinoin is a skin bleaching cream. You can get high strengths of it that go up to 8% by prescription if you want to lighten it as fast as possible, or you can get the over the counter 4% and put it on 2 times a day. has products that contain that ingredient, the best one I know of is Obagi's blender and clear. But, if you go to Target or Walmart, just look for that ingredient and the percentage. It will take about 4 months, but it will work. Again, a quick trip to your Doctor (you don't need a dermatologist for this) can get you a higher concentration and better brand.
Check your local drug store, there are several products worth trying...Good Luck!!
Try hot waxing your arm pits, it'll usually pick up the dead dark skin.

Beauty is Painful ! =)
Ashy skin is basically dead skin buildup. Exfoliation is the key to getting rid of it!

Use a scrub or loofah on your armpits in the shower, then apply a lotion with hydroxy acids at bedtime. Creams with stronger acids (like those made for smoothing your feet) work well, but DON'T use them right after waxing/shaving - it'll sting like heck!

I really like the True Blue Spa cream called ';Heel of Approval,'; which is sold at Bath and Body Works. it has glycolic acid in it. Just rub a little on before bed and wake up to brighter-looking armpits!
whitening dark skin spots should not be a problem if you're using the right skin lightening cream.. here's a great $9 solution -

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