Saturday, July 24, 2010

Do i have to pay for anything to see a dermatologist ?

I have acne, and i am on the healthy kids prgoram. 14 years old.

My mom thinks its going to cost alot to see one, and for the products id need to buy for acne.

do i need to have the doctor refere me ??

and my mom thinks my acne looks can i convince her to take me to one :(

thanks !Do i have to pay for anything to see a dermatologist ?
Get a part time job and pay for part of it yourself if you really want to see a dermo. But most likely, they'll just tell you to use some really expensive products. Not only that, but there is so much you can research yourself. Honestly, unless you have some rare and weird thing happening to your skin, you should be smart enough to research the answer for yourself.

Start at

Among the treatments listed on there: Baking Soda! You can't get more basic or frugal than that.

There is a medication you can take, but it's only given by prescription. This promises to permanently clear up your acne, but should only be a last resort if facial washes don't work. I also know you have to take it for a few months - but don't try any of the acne cures sold on the market without prescription - the chance that you'll be buying 'snake oil' is high.

First try washing your face at least three times a day, and also after exercising or being sweaty in any way. *Also avoid touching your face, and washing your hands regularly will also help prevent contamination if you do touch your face (avoid leaning your chin on your hand, for example)* This step is crucial, and if you must touch your face, be sure to also be washing your hands often.

My dermatologist suggested Exfoliac facial wash to me and I have to say that I've been very pleased with it. I suggested it to my sister and she's been using it for a year and a half exclusively, and she's had no more problems with zits. It's produced by the company 'Merck' in France but I know my sister in Canada gets it there with no problem. The cost seems a bit high, but you only need a small drop each time to wash your face, and the cost comes out to be relatively low. use a facial washing sponge.

Also, use a good facial cream so your skin doesn't dry out from washing. I know it sounds weird, but this will moisturize your face AND keep some of the dirt you come in contact with during the day at bay.

Lastly, shower every day before going to bed (an hour before bed, so your hair can dry before you hit the pillow) and try sleeping on a fresh pillow-case every night - or at least every two and turning the pillow over between nights one and two.

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