Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do you become a dermatologist?

What are the best courses for a skin doctor?How do you become a dermatologist?
You get 3 A grade a levels or 5 good highers in Scotland. You get in to medical school, the course has reduced to 5 years now, it was 6 when I studied. Do 2 years as a junior houseman and then then at least 3 years of general professional training are required before entry into the specialist registrar grade. MRCP ( Member of the Royal College of Physicians ) which takes about 4 years with examinations, is required and in practise, because entry to the specialist registrar grade is so competitive, at least 6 months and often more as an SHO (or Foundation year 3) or as a locum specialist registrar in dermatology is necessary, although no more than 6 months is allowable towards general professional training .Higher medical training in dermatology is only 4 years at present. Many trainees feel that this is too short and there have been discussions regarding an extension to 5 years.

Total training time from university entry is thus currently about 12 years.How do you become a dermatologist?
I don't usually.
you work hard and go to medical school

I'm not a dermatologist
Um idk but can you tell how to get rid of all your acne and have clear skin
go to med school and study your butt off. but since it is easy money for M D's the field is closing. some dermatologst have about 6 t0 8 rooms. book every 1/2 hour times walks in the room looks at you and says you are doing fine pay as you go out the door. and some have it real tough cases like skin cancer sooo you still;want this field good luck
check this
university degree, then medical school with a focus on dermatology
It is ridiculously hard to become a dermatologist, I hope you're ready for a long road ahead. Most people don't realize you don't really get to pick what kind of soctor you want to be. Kinda, but not really. After medical school you have to do a residency and you have to apply for residency positions. Dermatology is one of the hardest to get into, it's up there with plastics, urology, and orthopedic surgery to name a few. Mostly because there are so few spots. There are something like 400 resident spots accross the country every year. So get into medical school, kick serious butt on the boards etc and get published on a couple derm papers and hopefully you'll at least get an interview. I'm not trying to dissuade you but it's important you know just how difficult the road ahead will bee... best of luck!

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