Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can a dermatologist really help for acne?

i keep hearing different stories...

some say the prescriptions worked horribly and then others say they do...

so torn...

dont know what to do!Can a dermatologist really help for acne?
YES! PLEASE go to a dermatologist! Ugh...seriously! I suffered from terrible acne from 11-17 until I went to see a derm about my problem. I tried sooo many different products. Pills and creams. I tried proactive and every other product that is supposed to work. Nothing did.

I went to see a derm a couple years ago and right away she said 'you need accutane.' I had no idea what it even was, so she explained it to me. Within 6 months I had no acne. And, now more than 2 years later I still don't have acne and I'm not on any meds or creams or anything. Just cleanser and moisturizer. Google it. Here's some before and after pictures as proof:




~Not very good examples...I didn't like taking pictures of myself with acne. :( In fact, I hate these pictures and would have deleted them, but I figure I should keep them to show everyone how much my skin has improved. :) In the second one you can't see much because it's so bright, but the red splotches extended over my nose and forehead.

Transition phase...middle of treatment (no makeup): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/T鈥?/a>

~Accutane will make you dry. You need to stay well dehydrated. You can see that my eyes were dry and bloodshot in the picture. That's because I didn't put in my eyedrops that day!

After: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/T鈥?/a>


Also note that no editing was done in any picture...Also, not only did the accutane get rid of the acne on my face, but it completely cleared up the acne on my chest/back! I love it. I have so much confidence now and I didn't before. You can probably tell by looking at the pictures!

PLEASE see a derm! You may not decide to go on accutane...BUT they will be able to find you another medication or cream that works. These people WANT to help you. My derm was the nicest lady. So caring and she really wanted to give me improvements!

Ps. To all of the people who are going to tell you that not everyone will have a treatment. That's CRAP! There's going to be a treatment that works for EVERYONE! You just need to search to find the right one. Accutane is the last step. It's something people take when there's nothing else left. In my case, it changed my life. You may not need something that drastic, but trust me. You don't want acne scars! You might as well clear your skin up now and avoid the scars for the rest of your life!Can a dermatologist really help for acne?

Just make sure you tell your dermatologist EXACTLY what issues you're having with your skin, like what type of acne and where, and what type your skin is. I used to have horrible acne, and I tried ProActive and Clean and Clear and everything, but when I visited my deratologist, in a few weeks, it all cleared up almost completely!

I have a zit or two left on my forehead, but that's a small price to pay.

Plus, they'll vanish in a day or two.

Make sure to go!
it depends on who u go to and what they prescribe somethings work well for someppl while others it may not agree with them so u can take ur chance if u like...........sometimes they may even give u birth control to help wit acne since it helps to control ur homones
It worked for me and everyone I know who has been to one was successful. You should try it out and just see for yourself. If it doesn't work for you simply stop going.
I think it depends on the person, but I've known ppl who the prescription did work for them.
just get some retin-A or retinols and save your money

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