Monday, August 23, 2010

How should I approach my dermatologist about Accutane?

I have had problems with cystic acne for about 5 yrs (since age 22). I finally got an appt. with a dermatologist. It seemed to me like I would be a good candidate for Accutane. But the derm. couldn't see me for 5 months.

In the meantime I started using benzoyl peroxide, not as directed, but really slathered it on and followed with lots of moisturizer. It has made a big difference. I'm afraid now I might not get Accutane, because I don't *look* like I need it, but I do!! I don't want to keep using the bp forever, because even with moisturizer it pulls the skin tight, and makes me look wrinkly when I smile.

I know I should have documented with photos, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I don't want to go thru lots of antibiotics and creams and break out again before I get to try Accutane. Any suggestions?How should I approach my dermatologist about Accutane?
a dermatologist will not prescribe you accutane untill after she prescribes you every other medication and it doesnt work. You really should of went to the dermatologist when you first started having a skin problem, 5 years ago. Then you could of tried all the other medications they are going to prescribe to you first and been through all of that already. It is very fair that they will prescribe you for accutane, untill you have tried every thing else and it doesnt work. Accutane comes with alot of responsiblity and directions. They try not to put many people on it. especially females, because if you get pregnant while on accutane or even a month after you stop using accutane, you will be basically forced to end the pregnancy because accutane causes serve problems for babies. Also, a dermatologist will not prescribe accutane during the summer months. They like to start around Oct. because accutane drys your skin soo badly, that the summer heat makes it worst.

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