Friday, August 20, 2010

What Can A Dermatologist Actually Do For You?

Like If you go there what do they do?

also what is better clindamycin {sp} Or acutance? [sp]

[(for my sister)[She doesn't have That bad of acne just on my forehead and that's it]What Can A Dermatologist Actually Do For You?
Accutane will not work for your sister because it is for EXTREME cases of acne, meaning it also has extreme side effects. Your dermatologist will most likely suggest an antibiotic and/or the pill.

They just talk to you and find out your concerns, give you creams/pills to help you out.

My favorite skin care regimen supplement is MaMa lotion, it made my skin clear and even, which is difficult because I hyperpigment easily. You can get samples at If your sister can figure out the best way for her to cleanse, tone, and moisturize, she will have no problem.What Can A Dermatologist Actually Do For You?
dermatologists are obviously doctors who specialize in the conditions of the skin, treatment for skin-related problems and can advise you how to take care of your skin to keep it healthy. When you first go into the examination room, you will be checked all over for any unusual ';spots'; and problematic areas...body or facial.....and scalp, also. If your facial skin is dry, combination, oily/acne prone, the doctor will advise you in the right care and treatment of it. When I was young, they helped me (acne---antibiotics)and as I got older, they certainly helped me. My doctor saw a suspicious 'spot' on my neck and sure enough it was basal cell cancer. A treatable and curable cancer...if it was not observed though, it would have progressed to something I do not want to think about!

Antibiotics and accutane are prescribed accordingly to the severity of the acne condition and how your body will respond to it.....
Well my cousin had really bad acne and went to a dermotologist. He's not acne free. He's face looks amazing. Also I have mind acne and Proactive really got expensive for me. Now I use AcneFree which is a kit just like Proactive and way more affordable. It only cost 20.00 and you can get it any CVS store. You'll see results with like 3 days.
they can treat acne, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, treat skin cancer, remove moles. It's not just about the face any skin problem, rashes, ezema. Anything to do with skin.
I tried using ProActive becuase I had some minor acne on my cheeks and forehead but it didn't help. It actually made it worse!

A couple months after ProActive failed I went to a dermatologist. He prescribed a low dose antibiotic and 2 topical creams. It cleared up my acne like a dream!!! It worked perfectly!!! It was rather expensive between the visits and the perscriptions...but worth it in my opinion.

I use those topical creams along with cedaphil face wash and moisturizer. Hope this helps!
ummm when i went to the dermatologist for acne and basically they ask you questions about the problem you have and they prescribe a medication to you. I would say you benzaclin for acne its not for severe acne its for mild acne and it takes about 2 weeks and really clears it up but you have to use it for atleast 4-6 months and its kinda pricey the everyday price is $158.39.

Hope this helps.
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