Monday, August 23, 2010

Would it be a waste of money if I saw a dermatologist?

I am 12 (borrowing my sister's account).

I get all these zits all over my face, and it seems like my facial cleanser isn't working.Also, all up and down my arms I have these little bumps. They don't itch or hurt or anything, but they look so UNATTRACTIVE.

Do you think a dermatologist could help me? Am I too young to see one?Would it be a waste of money if I saw a dermatologist?
There's no age restriction on seeing a dermatologist, but I would say it would only be worth your money if you have SEVERE acne. The creams, lotions, and treatments that they prescribe can be very expensive (any where from $45-$150 a month!) and generally aren't covered by insurance companies. If your acne is more of a mild case, I wouldn't recommend seeing a dermatologist quite yet. You're still pretty young, so I would recommend shopping around for the right cleanser. Everyone's skin is different, so it may take you a little while to find what skin care routine works for you. Good luck sweetie!Would it be a waste of money if I saw a dermatologist?
Perhaps I'm the wrong one to be answering this quesion, but as a dermatologist, I'd have to say that if you have a skin problem that is causing you trouble, then a good dermatologist should be able to diagnose you and treat you. There is no age limit to seeing one of us, as we actually see newborns, too. Good luck.
At your age it is quite familiar to hear about girls and guys suffer from all these pimples but if you have a feeling that they are increasing more over time then it is not a waste of time to seek the advice of a professional who will tell you to either ignore them and you'll grow out of them of he'll put you on some kind of medication which will help you control and get rid of them.
it wouldn't hurt to see a derm but it might not help either. at your age they'll probably write it off as puberty. but they might give you some sort of medicine for it. i would just ask your parents to take you if you think it's that big of an issue. like i said, it can't hurt.
Even if the dermatologist says everything is normal and gives you advice you already know and are doing, it still is worth to seek professional help just for our own peace of mind.

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