Friday, August 20, 2010

I have really bad acne should I go to a dermatologist?

I have tried several products including Proactiv and all it did was make me break out more. Is there a safe way to pop zits?I have really bad acne should I go to a dermatologist?
I would defionitly go to the dermotologist.

At first I really didnt want to go because I didnt think it would do anything but they can see how sensitive your skin is and the best way to take care of it. my skin is the best it has ever loojks due to my dermatologist.

hope I helped

:]I have really bad acne should I go to a dermatologist?
Yes, you should go see a dermatologist. Popping the zits will not keep new ones from coming in. Visit this guys' website in the meantime. I think what he says makes a lot of sense, and it worked (somewhat) for me. Good luck.
yes, go to a dermotologist. the safest way to pop a zit is carefully with a metal popping instrument(?)=) ive done it before, its a small metal stick wit kind of a spoon like swoop on the end that you gently pop it with to make sure its clean.

hope that helps=)
be careful popping zits because your skin could scar! go get a facial they can do it safely for you. as far as going to a dermatologist, they will offer you a few things anti-biotics that will make you totally sun sensitive and you may have to be on them for a long time. or they can give you accutain which is a really harsh oral medicine that causes your whole body to peel.

I would go to a clinical skin care therapist first, see if they can treat you, their methods will be more natural and you may not have to commit to a harsh regime.

as far as Proactive is concerned it's really bad stuff, it basiclly stripped your skin so much that you were making tons of oil, just to lubricate your skin and your skin was holding on to all the water and oil so your cells wern't dieing and falling off the way they are supposed to. that is why your skin got worse.

good luck
Do not pop zits! That's what my dermatologist told me. I've been going to the dermatologist for a little over a year now and its been the best decision ever. I don't know why I put it off. I think I thought that I wouldn't be able to afford the medication. I was wrong though - your doctor can prescribe generic medications. You definitely should go, you won't worry about your skin so much once you get the right help.
No, popping zits is not any better than just letting them be.

You should really go to a dermatologist. They will probably only tell you what you know, that you have sensitive skin and people get acne in their teen years. But, after you listen to all that boring information, they give you medication for you acne and it really helps. Better than anything that you can buy over the counter.

Good Luck!
you should go see a dermatologist ASAP

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