Monday, November 21, 2011

Does anyone know any dermatologist near my area?

Hello, I'm trying to find a dermatologist to have a mole removal. So I was wondering, does anyone know any good ones that are within a 50mile radius of: Oakland CA, 94606? Thanks!Does anyone know any dermatologist near my area?
Its called goggle.

This should help:;rls=c鈥?/a>

P.S. Please never reproduce.Does anyone know any dermatologist near my area?鈥?/a>

I've seen Dr. Graham in the Alameda office (though this site says he has an Oakland office too) and I've seen Dr. Paslin in the San Ramon office. They work out of the same practice. I would recommend both personality wise. I was happy with my appointments with both of them, though I had better luck diagnosing my skin condition (eczema) with Dr. Paslin .

Oh, and my brother just had a mole removed from his neck and I believe Dr. Graham was his doctor for that.

A man visits a dermatologist to have a tatoo removed.Patients skin has yellow tint and referred to physician.?

What is the dermatologist concerned about?A man visits a dermatologist to have a tatoo removed.Patients skin has yellow tint and referred to physician.?
Could be hepatitis. Jaundice is yellowed skin, which is a sign of hepatitis.A man visits a dermatologist to have a tatoo removed.Patients skin has yellow tint and referred to physician.?
Could be jaundice. Commonly seen in infants and young children but when adults get jaundice it is usually from a liver malfunction. The liver is not functioning properly so high levels the chemical bilirubin are not filtered out of the blood. Check out this website
Potentially hepatitis or blockage of the bile ducts which will call jaundice ( yellowing of the skin).

Without fail appointment needs to be made and kept

with a gastroenterologist

Is going to the dermatologist a waste of time?

I'm four months pregnant and I have a bad razor rash, by my bikini area, its been a month now. Nothing seems to work and its really annoying. I'm going to a dermatologist to see what he tells me. Do you think that will be a waste of time? Is going to the dermatologist a waste of time?
stop shaving there for a while

try putting aloe gel on the area to

soothe the skin %26amp; dont wear clothes

that rub the area so it can heal
  • eyeshadow
  • How much would it usually cost to go to a dermatologist if it's your first visit (I need to lance a boil)?

    Dermatolitists are expensive. If it's not in a place where you're worried about scarring(face etc) then just go to your family doctor. He should be able to take care of it.

    How much does it cost to go to a dermatologist here in phoenix?

    i want to go get a mole checked for skin cancer but i want to know about how much it will cost me since i dont have medical insurance. Has anyone been to one for this same reason? And how much did you pay?How much does it cost to go to a dermatologist here in phoenix?

    Did seeing a Dermatologist help your acne?

    I'm 23 and still break out. Nothing has worked. Did any of you see a Dermatologist and did it help?Did seeing a Dermatologist help your acne?
    Before you go to the Dermatologist try ';Vanishing Point 7.5'; use it like a toner after wou cleanse your face with a good cleanser you must wash your face day and night for best results

    How did your dermatologist heal your acne?

    What treatments healed your acne?How did your dermatologist heal your acne?
    My dermotologist prescribed me two different acne creams. one for the night time and one for the day time.

    After prescribing me those she immediately made a nurse apply a chemical peel on my face to dry out the smaller acne and releive my face of its redness and some marks.

    The acne creams worked well not all i had left were post-acne marks. So every month now they give me a face peel to fade away the marks.


    :DHow did your dermatologist heal your acne?
    every treatment u try for acne is either expensive or never works proactive works so does avons new clearskin professional acne treatment it did wonders to my skin just visit to orders ur today and see the difference if u dont like it return it for full refund... its that good ...